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Home / TOT Study Series 1

TOT Study Series 1

The Blackstone Institute for Law and Worldview
President: Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D. (Public Law)*
We are living in a judicialized post-law America….
Join us in the Study Series 1 for a Penetrating New Perspective:

Study Series 1: The Transgenderism Movement, Law, and Truth

by Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D.*

PURPOSE OF THIS “Blackstone Blitz Course 1.1”:

PURPOSE OF THIS “Blackstone Blitz Course 1.1”: to educate and activate America’s leaders and future leaders to effectively define and defend the Judeo-Christian worldview (our “taproot”) in today’s Culture Wars. We focus on the hegemonic role of the courts (our “judicialized America”) and the radical results of that phenomenon (the reset of America into a “post-law society”).


  • Contemporary American culture is an “alphabet soup society” consisting of intermingled, almost indistinguishable, ingredients; transgenderism is the newest, and most radical, ingredient of this miasmic mixture.

  • The Judeo-Christian community must address this cultural chaos by (a.) distinguishing the ingredients; (b.) revealing their interrelationships; and (c.) planning and pursuing an effective blueprint for reversing this reset.

  • The major ingredients of this alphabet soup include (a.) theology (the basic “taproot”), which originally prevailed in orthodox Judeo-Christian purity in America and Western Europe, but now has morphed into radical Humanistic form in Europe (1800s-present) and America (1900s-present); (b.) philosophy, the immediate offshoot of the taproot, taking the plunge into radicalism parallel to that of theology; (c.) the “culture,” including the arts and technology, which have been vital communication conduits through which radicalized, poisonous Humanism has poured from its sources among the intelligentsia and the counter-culture into the life of mainstream America; (d.) cataclysmic events in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century America and the world (e.g., the Vietnam War, the “Great Society,” etc.) which have so powerfully catalyzed the rooting and spreading of radicalized thought and activity throughout society.

  • Judeo-Christians have both the mandate and the muscle to effectively fight the Culture Wars.

  • Contemporary American culture is an “alphabet soup society” consisting of intermingled, almost indistinguishable, ingredients; transgenderism is the newest, and most radical, ingredient of this miasmic mixture.

  • The Judeo-Christian community must address this cultural chaos by (a.) distinguishing the ingredients; (b.) revealing their interrelationships; and (c.) planning and pursuing an effective blueprint for reversing this reset.

  • The major ingredients of this alphabet soup include (a.) theology (the basic “taproot”), which originally prevailed in orthodox Judeo-Christian purity in America and Western Europe, but now has morphed into radical Humanistic form in Europe (1800s-present) and America (1900s-present); (b.) philosophy, the immediate offshoot of the taproot, taking the plunge into radicalism parallel to that of theology; (c.) the “culture,” including the arts and technology, which have been vital communication conduits through which radicalized, poisonous Humanism has poured from its sources among the intelligentsia and the counter-culture into the life of mainstream America; (d.) cataclysmic events in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century America and the world (e.g., the Vietnam War, the “Great Society,” etc.) which have so powerfully catalyzed the rooting and spreading of radicalized thought and activity throughout society.

  • Judeo-Christians have both the mandate and the muscle to effectively fight the Culture Wars.


  • WHEN: This first course of our 2024 Blackstone Blitzes will be offered live, via zoom, on these Tuesday evenings: Jan. 23 and 30; Feb. 6, 13, 20, and 27; and March 19 and 26, 7:00-8:30 pm (CST). Recordings will be available to students having to miss a live session.

  • WHO can participate: Students ages older high school through adult, especially those who are leaders, or potential leaders, of the Judeo-Christian movement.

  • HOW does one join? By going to https://blackstoneinstitute.org and clicking the “DONATE” button. Just complete the form, including a course payment of $150.00 (or more if you would like to donate as well as register!).

The Professor

Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D. (Public Law): President, Blackstone Institute for Law & Worldview; Affiliate Professor, Constitutional Apologetics, Houston Christian University; Nat’l. Director, Eagle Forum’s Law & Worldview Project

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