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Home / The Taproot of Truth Program: an Overview

The Taproot of Truth Program: an Overview

The Blackstone Institute for Law and Worldview
President: Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D. (Public Law)*
Christianity Confronting the Culture Initiative

Theme for 2024“Uprooting America’s Taproot of Truth: Living in a Judicialized Post-Law America”

by Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D.*

Overview of This Program

Purposes: To define and defend more effectively the Judeo-Christian worldview of the U. S. Constitution and legal system in today’s Culture War:

  • By developing leaders and activating Americans to raise higher the Judeo-Christian standard -

  • As a result of  involvement in  a unique research and education adventure -

  • Which demonstrates Judeo-Christian worldview superiority over the Humanistic worldview -

  • With particular emphasis on the often less-visible role of law and judges in the Culture War -

  • On the white-hot battle fronts of religious liberties, evolutionism, abortion/life, and the new sexualism -

  • Utilizing Blackstone’s unique worldview model, which can be conceptualized as an oak tree:

The taproot, which is the deep and straight subterranean anchor and foundation of the tree, providing stability and nourishment, and from which all else springs, i.e., theology/religion

The secondary roots, or “truth tenets,” which may occasionally erupt into view above ground, and which represent the primary components of a comprehensive philosophy, both general and legal: ontology, cosmology, epistemology, anthropology, teleology, and axiology (Note: All of these terms will be explained and illustrated in our Study)

The tree’s trunk, which is the U. S. Constitution

The tree’s branches, each representing one of the four fundamental constitutional culture issues underlying the Culture War

The tree’s leaves sprouting from each branch, each leaf representing a court case or similar issue focusing on the issue represented by that branch.

Truths Central to this Project

1.     America at its founding was firmly anchored by its Judeo-Christian taproot.

2.     The taproot was firm and healthy until assaulted by its first significant enemy c.1870.

3.     Since c. 1870, unrelenting assaults by a multiplicity of Humanistic attackers have severely damaged the taproot, to the point of uprooting it.

4.     The primary cause of this cataclysm has been the U. S. Supreme Court, producing a “judicialized America” (judge-dominated society). The primary consequence has been the emergence of a post-law America (America under the rule of lawlessness).

5.     Americans have the mandate and the muscle to repel these Humanistic assaults and move the nation forward to a new era springing from a reclaimed and revitalized Judeo-Christian taproot.

How to Participate

Our current educational format includes four components (consult https://blackstoneinstitute.org):

TOT Articles

Topical series of six to eight printed issues per topic, approximately three to five pages in length, and published periodically.

TOT Podcast

Similar in content to the “Commentaries,” but available digitally.

TOT Courses

Short courses (typically six to 8 weeks long) on an almost limitless variety of subjects relevant to CCC’s purpose and partnership.

“TTIP” option

(“Teaching Truth in Person”); This is a unique and popular opportunity for clients of CCC services to arrange for live, real time Zoom visits with their professor.

The Professor

Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D. (Public Law): President, Blackstone Institute for Law & Worldview; Affiliate Professor, Constitutional Apologetics, Houston Christian University; Nat’l. Director, Eagle Forum’s Law & Worldview Project

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