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Home / Archives / America in the Twilight of Truth: Part 1.2

America in the Twilight of Truth: Part 1.2

The Blackstone Institute for Law and Worldview
President: Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D. (Public Law)*


The Tragedy of Transgenderism, Session "1.1” and “1.2” provide a basic and very broad panoramic view of the Blackstone Institute’s new “Taproot of Truth, Study Series 1” on the Transgenderism Movement. A set of PowerPoint slides referred to in the “Tragedy of Transgenderism” presentations is posted for your use in listening to the podcasts. It would be useful to view each of these 30 minute podcasts before reading any of the “Taproot of Truth” articles.
*Co-founder and President, Blackstone Institute for Law & Worldview; Affiliate Professor of Constitutional Apologetics, Houston Christian University; National Director, Eagle Forum’s Law & Worldview Program

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