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Empowering with Truth

Learn More and Register for the Spring 2024 Course Study Series 1: The Transgenderism Movement, Law, and Truth

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Theme for 2024: “Uprooting America’s Taproot of Truth: Living in a Judicialized Post-Law America”
Photo of Dr. Virginia Armstrong speaking at HardinSimmons University
About Us
We are a research and educational organization dedicated to defending the Judeo-Christian worldview of the Constitution and legal system, focusing on judges and judicial decisions.
Photo of Dr. Virginia Armstrong speaking at HardinSimmons University

About the Host and Co-Founder

Dr. Virginia Armstrong, the co-founder and president of the Blackstone Institute for Law and Worldview and Affiliate Professor of Constitutional Apologetics at Houston Christian University, has thrived in both academia and practice. In addition, she continues her leadership role as National Director of Eagle Forum's Law and Worldview program.

This Study will be formally launched in the spring, 2025.

“Reclaiming our Radicalized America” MicroBlitz #1 Courses

#1 - “Reclaiming our Radicalized America: An Overview

#2 - “Reclaiming Our Radicalized America: The Radicalizing Revolution”

#3 - “Reclaiming our Radicalized Taproot: Defending Our Judeo-Christian Taproot”

#4 - “Reclaiming America’s Taproot of Truth: The Voter’s Mandate And Muscle”

#5 - “Reclaiming America’s Dynamic Duo: Our Radicalized Declaration and Constitution”

#6 - “Reclaiming America’s Radicalized Judiciary: Courting Justice and the Rule of Law”

Dr. A., You are an incredible speaker, an incredible writer, and an incredible teacher. You have an incredible ability to ignite passion in your students, and I love to talk to you. As a church staff member, I’ve benefitted tremendously from our course
— W
MA in Apologetics class
I’m finishing my master’s degree in apologetics this semester, and I’ve never heard the type of apologetics that Dr. A. teaches. Why haven’t I been exposed to this before? The only thing that would improve this course is for it to be longer!
— K
Masters in Liberal Arts class
This course covers principles, understanding, etc. applicable in all areas of life and knowledge. Some of what we learned today I’m going to use tomorrow as I teach Jack London’s Call of the Wild to my middle school English class!
— K
MAA class
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Blackstone Institute for Law & Worldview. All rights reserved. —
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